
3.15 - 4.00, Introductory lecture

4.15 - 5.30, Continental Panels with short presentations and discussion

Fr. Dirk Bingener, President of Kindermissionswerk ‚Die Sternsinger‘, Aachen

From Tropical Medicine to Planetary Health – A Journey from ‚Third‘ to ‚One World‘

Prof. Dr. August Stich, Leading Board member of Missionsärztliches Institut (Medical Mission Institute) Würzburg, Head of Department for Tropical Medicine, Clinic for Tropical Medicine, Würzburg

4.00 - 4.15, Break

Child health – which challenges have to be faced? How can we effectively adress child health issues? Which consequences do COVID-19 and climate crises have for children and adolescents?

Depending on your interests, you can choose from the following four panels:

Panel 1 - Africa

Chair: Dr. Christian Schmidt, Paediatrician in Dinslaken, Executive Board of the Society for Tropical Paediatrics (GTP)

  • Tatjana Gerber, Health coordinator at diocese of Wau, South Sudan
  • Atekit Hellen Grace, Nurse at St. Kizito Hospital Matany, Moroto, Uganda
  • Sr. Scholastica Wamalwa, Head of mobile health clinic, Diocese of Lodwar, North Turkana, Kenya
  • Dr. Antke Züchner, Paediatrician at Muhimbili National Hospital, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Panel 2 - Asia

Chair:  Dr. Bärbel Breyhan, Health specialist at Kindermissionswerk ‚Die Sternsinger‘

  • Dr. Divya KC, Paediatrician at International Friendship Childrens Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Dr. Saskia Kreibich, Public Health Consultant, Deputy Head of the Department Medical and Social Projects, Regional Team Leader East Africa of the German Leprosy and Tuberculosis Relief Association, Würzburg
  • Dr. Piet Reijer, Specialist for Public Health, Missionsärztliches Institut Würzburg

Panel 3 - Latin America

Chair: Michael Kuhnert, Managing Director of Missionsärztliches Institut Würzburg

  • Dr. Nelson Arns-Neumann, Physician and Coordinator of “Pastoral Da Criança” (Children’s pastoral care), Brazil
  • Padre Miguel Fritz OMI, Priest and ethnologist at indigenous pastoral care, Paraguay

Panel 4 - Europe

Chair: Prof. Dr. August Stich, Head of Department for Tropical Medicine, Clinic for Tropical Medicine, Würzburg

  • Dr. Georg Kippels, Member of the Bundestag (Committees of Health and for Economic Cooperation and Development), Bedburg/Berlin
  • Dr. Klemens Ochel, Specialist for Public Health, Missionsärztliches Institut Würzburg
  • Nadja Rupp, Klinikum Würzburg Mitte gGmbH
  • Dr. Friederike Lutz, Internist, rheumatologist, currently with Doctors Without Borders in Lebanon

5.30 - 5.45, Break

Urte Podszuweit, Consultant for public relations at Kindermissionswerk ‚Die Sternsinger‘

6.30 - 6:40, Break

Prioritizing Children’s Health and Development in the Face of Growing Risks

Elizabeth Lule, Board member of Save the  Children International and Executive Director at Early Childhood Development Action Network (ECDAN), Washington DC, USA

Possibility for questions and exchange

Fr. Dirk Bingener, President of Kindermissionswerk ‚Die Sternsinger‘, Aachen